This is my double-edged sword. If I'm not doing anything, I have very little to blog about but if I'm off and experiencing life, I have no time to blog. May is shaping up to be a pretty busy month for me so I am taking the opportunity to catch up on all my blogging needs.

First, let's start with Boston. I went to Boston for spring break and it was awesome...excluding the lack of spring. My first night in Boston was relatively calm with a Thai dinner and early to bed. Needless to say we made up for that the following five nights. I don't know that I could have consumed more ru

m in more places than I did with my fellow alchies...Melissa and Tim! We ate, we drank, we got was beautiful. Expensive, but beautiful! I have to say, however, my favorite part of my entire time in Boston was the time I got to spend just hanging out with Melissa and Tim. You don't realize how much you miss someone until you get the chance to reconnect. I am so lucky to have Melissa in my life...her husband is a nice bonus too. (Ahhh....Timmy you know I love you.)
Next, I got a quick week back with my girls and then it was off to Stockton to visit my sexually-exclusive-non-committed-dating-situation...otherwise known as Jason. I had an absolutely fabulous time. The details of this experience, I'll keep to myself...but a fun time was had by all involved.
Finally, two more fun weeks with the girls and we are off this weekend to celebrate my sister's birthday! Woo HOO! I am so excited! We are going to have a wonderful relaxing weekend and on Sunday we are going to take a Trapeze lesson. I have always wanted to learn how to fly. I hav

e been skydiving, hang gliding, bungee jumping and now it is time to learn how to work a trapeze! Who knows? Maybe I will find a new calling in the circus. Damn carnies...every time you try to get away they tempt you with trapeze.
Wish us luck....if anyting happens, tell my folks I love them.