In the first third of the movie it was about cattle driving. Awesome, a western. Nope. Then it is about the relationship that Nicole Kidman's character develops with the (for lack of a better term) "stolen" orphan boy and the cattle driver. Not quite. Then it's about World War II and Japan's invasion of the country. Maybe. The best part of the movie happened in the first half hour when Hugh Jackman took his shirt off and poured water all over himself. (Sorry...but he is totally on my list and that one moment could sustain me for days) I am not sure what the studios were thinking nominating this for any type of award. Nicole Kidman looked like she was sick through the whole film and her lips were big and puffy like she had done botox. Honestly, give the lady a sandwich! She looks like she is one carrot sick away from death. If the camera adds ten pounds then she must be able to see her own organs. There were moments when she and Hugh Jackman were making love and I swear I thought he was going to break her just by lying on top of her. She used to be bigger. Far and Away, To Die For....she used to have an ass. See what Hollywood does to you.
Hugh Jackman is beautiful. He was the only reason I didn't stop watching but by hour two and a half, even the eye candy gets old. I respect the man as an actor but there was no saving this movie. He could have done a tap dance naked. That might have done it. Considering the insane plot line, I think they could have fit it in somewhere. Ridiculous amounts of money were poured into this film and it tanked. Completely fell short of all it's expectations. I can say with great certainty that I enjoyed The English Patient more than this movie. If this wins an academy award for anything other than scenery, I will have lost all faith in the movie business.
Sorry Hugh, but you have been demoted down the list for making such a poor business decision.
Wow! Tell me how you really feel. I haven't seen this movie but how can it possibly be worse than the English Patient. That movie made me want to kill myself. And what about There will be blood. OH MY GOD!!! Talk about horrible. I wanted to kill myself watching that movie too. Come to think of it there are a lot of movies out there that have made me want to kill myself.
I agree. Hollywood really needs to think about the suicide factor when creating crappy films.
In that case, please be careful not to accidently see The Mummy 3, (something about a Dragon), or we will have to cry and send flowers. I'm guessing it makes Australia look like Gone With the Wind!
The key to understanding all this nonsense is that Hollywood is not making movies for folks like us--people with brains--or at least not making enough. Maybe...just maybe...one or two a year have redeeming value, and those tank at the BO. Too few people with brains. Hmmm, maybe it has something to do with our educational system...or lack thereof...but I think I've covered that topic in spades before so I'll give it a rest.
I agree grrpa! If you're going to make a bad movie....at least make it so bad that it's funny.
That's a bummer about The Mummy 3, I love Jet Li.
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