I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!
I have the greatest nieces and nephew anyone could ever ask for. My sisters and brothers are the most supportive, generous and understanding people. My extended family, the Schwartz Family, has made me feel so welcome, so at home and they have shown such generosity and grace that it truly renders me speechless. I will always love my parents for bringing into the world and trying to navigate me through it. My friends, no matter how far away they may be, show me endless love and support in the face of their own, v

ery real, problems. How do you thank the people that you love? How do you show them that your life would be as dismal without them in it? Thank you notes can be somewhat trite and often offensive at the waste of paper. Emails seem so impersonal. Thus, I have resorted to blogging. In the past...I would have written everyone who has done something wonderful for me a dramatic, yet, well thought over poem. This year, there are entirely too many people to thank and my writer's block increases with each passing day. I wish I could describe the sadness that I felt less than 6 months ago. The most appropriate metaphor would be as if someone had locked me in a room and shut off the light. I had lost hope, love, confidence and the freedom to be me. How do repay the ones you love for turning on the light, opening the door and giving me another chance? I'm not sure I can...ever. In the words of the lovely Ms. DiFranco,"I owe my life to the people that I love." Those words have never been more true for me

than they are now.
I love you all and I would NOT be the woman I am today without you.
Here's to you!
You have the gift of self-expression. Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts. You made a giant leap and changed your life -- can't wait to see what this year brings for you!
Right back at ya sis.
Love you.
I'm so happy for you! This is what I've wanted for you for s0000o long...to know true love and peace. I love you!
Lovely words, beautiful thoughts. Keep up the self-exploration and you'll find the person we all knew was in there from the beginning.
Love ya, grrrl.
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