Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Finally, 2009 has arrived. With it, hope for the future. Usually people make resolutions for the new year but I have found that those don't work out so well for me. Everytime I would resolve to do something the pressure of keeping it would inevitably lead me to break it rather quickly, i.e. stop smoking, eat better, stop swearing, etc. Last year I made a "decision" rather than a resolution and gave myself a 90 day time frame. I ended up sticking with that decision for many months after my 90 days were up. So this year I am deciding, not resoluting. (I don't know if that is a word but you get my point.) I have decided to be more decisive. He-he-he.
Truthfully, I have a tough time making decisions. Jason will ask where I want to eat and it is my gut reaction to say, "I don't care," or "Whatever you want." I am going to be more decisive. I am going to really think about what I want before answering questions and if I truly don't have a preference that I will just pick something. I am hoping this will lead me to a more conifident decision making lifestyle. Also, I hope my decision making will rub off on those I live with. The anti-decision making curse is either genetic or a side effect of extreme exhaustion. Deciding to let someone else decide, although it is a decision, is not always effective when the household itself is shifting the decision responsibility.
I have written the word decision so many times that it's starting to look funny.
So I'm off to make great decis....I mean...plans.


LAss said...

What are you trying to imply??? That we can't make a decision? Or that we are too tired? Or that we pass the buck on decision making responsibility? I can't decide what to think of your post...

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!

salt on a pickle....yum!

Unknown said...

I think it's hereditary...I've been working on it ever since Pete was kind enough to point it out to me...18 years ago!!!