Monday, January 12, 2009

The thing about Migraines....

So if you have ever had a migraine you know what I am about to write. They are the worst. Depending on the type of headache it can feel like Freddy Kruger is scratching the inside of your face off or Thor is putting down the hammer on the inside of your skull. The worst part, there is very little you can do until it passes. I stay curled up in my room with the shades down and the lights off for hours. Sometimes I just sit in a super hot shower and cry. The problem with crying is that it just makes the headache worse. You want to cry because it hurts so bad but if you do you are just asking for more pain. If, perchance, you make it through the to-cry-or-not-to-cry stage, a whole new symptom presents itself. The nausea. This is the part I absolutely hate the most. You want to throw up because you feel so sick but you know that if you do your pain intensifies exponentially. Most people get a headache after throwing up so if you already have one, good luck. On the other hand, if you don't throw up you have to sit with this sickening feeling on top of your already pounding brain. You can't really writhe in pain because movement makes the world spin and you can scream because sound echos inside your head. If you are like me, you start to lose circulation in your extremities and those pin and needles just add to the aggravation. The medication that doctors dole out for this kind of pain can often make things worse. Besides, the side effects are things like..blood clot, stroke, vomiting, dizziness, etc. Why would I want to risk any of those things when I am already in excruciating pain? Why don't they just say, "This will either help you or kill you. Good Luck!" If you have never had a migraine, consider yourself lucky. One day they will develop some sort of helmet you can put on that sucks out the migraine like a vacuum cleaner. Until then, my fellow sufferers, keep on truckin'.


Unknown said...

Amen sister!

Claudio Tomassini said...

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yours Claudio Tomassini