Usually about what I have either failed to accomplish in the past year or the bullets I have dodged. I rarely get to Christmas time and think, "Wow, I've finished everything I set out to do this year!" I don't know anyone who does because if I did I would be tying them to a streetlight and making them spill their guts on how they did it. Just once I want to get to Christmas/New Years and not have a list a mile long of shit to do. It is nice, however, to get to see my family.
This was Christmas 2006. There has been an addition of 2 since then.
That reminds me...the Christmas Picture. Please tell me that other families go through this torture as well...and that it's not just us.
We probably spend a good hour just trying to set up a shot, get everyone together, make sure no one is making any weird faces and finally take a gazillion pictures because, God knows, we need plenty to choose from. And of course it is with all 5 cameras, which we then systematically dump onto each individual lap top so that everyone has copies. Regardless of this action, we will, inevitably, get a framed picture from Mom for our birthday or even Christmas next year to remind us of this joyous time.
I love my family. I love pictures of my family. And honestly, I don't mind taking pictures with my family. I just wish the process was not so painful. I think if we hired someone to come in and set everything up, take the pictures, decide which were best, clean up everything and leave, it might be different. But, alas, who has the money for that nowadays? Besides, I think our parents enjoy the torture of it all. Payback for our years as teenagers.
It's just like one of those Chevy Chase/Diane Keaton/Steve Carell/ etc. stereotypical Christmas movie!! The family and spouses gathering from far and wide to spend dysfunctional time together and finding out (yet again) how very much they love each other.
It's a wonderful life. Enjoy.
so true..
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